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Finding Joy in Programming

Every so often, I come back to this topic... I would love to spread the word and help more people find their passion in technology, specifically programming.

I didn't have the traditional career path leading to software development, but I always knew I'd love to do web design and development (read about my journey into tech). My first job as a developer was being a fullstack web teaching assistant for a web development bootcamp curriculum. I think it was during that time that I found out how much I enjoyed helping and mentoring those new to tech (read about my guest post for new developers).

If you are new to tech or curious, I have a great list of resources below:

Maybe someday I'll find some mentees that share my same passion... until then, I'm going to start hanging out at MeetUps for some coffee and code!

And lastly, just for the giggles!

joys of programming